It takes a community to have a successful and wonderful event. There are artists, artisans, and business people who contribute items for a silent auction. There are many unseen and unsung heroes who contribute time, expertise, and loan of essential equipment to stage such an event. There are food people who prepare delectables, and food and beverage servers. There are the take-charge helpers in a many-faceted and time-consuming setup, and people who stay late and help clean up and haul trash. And of course, there are the community members who attend, celebrate, bid, and support Dorothy with donations, kind words, smiles and hugs. The names below reflect some of the community members who have made the event for Dorothy Austin possible and successful in its many aspects and details. If anyone’s name is left out, please accept apologies, and know you’re appreciated.

Thank you to Carol Anderson, Gail Anderson-Toombs, Dorothy Austin, Sadie Bailey, Dr. Steven Bailey DMD, Antoinette Botsford, Margarette Brand, Patty Brogi, Chimayo Restaurant, Joe Ciskowski, Sue Cline, Crescent Beach Computers, Crescent Beach Kayaks, Maria Delisanti, David Densmore, Bradley and Julia Dobos, Driftwood Nursery, Spirit Eagle, Christopher Evans, Syd Exton, Faraways Boutique, Peter Fisher, Kate Geddes, Ron Glassett, Philana Goodrich, Axel Greening, Marguerite Greening, Stephen Guy, James Hardman, Ellen Helsell (Turtlehead Farms and Trail Rides), Jack and Jan Helsell, Lana Hickman, David Johnson, Dan Kenney, Sophie Lappas, Lisa’s Pies and Cakes, Mia’s Café, Carol McKinstry, Nick McKinstry, Stacy McRae, Frank Michels, Michael Mitchell, Mark O’Neill (Finely Crafted Events), Ed Nebeker, The Office Cupboard, Susan Osborn, Luann Pamatian, Maria Papademetriou, Passionate for Pies, Catherine Pederson, David Ridgway, River Jim Rorabaugh, Tom (Doc) Rierden, Joan Rorabaugh, Laurel Rust, Leslie Seaman, Kim Secunda, Karina Shaffer-Bauck, Samara Shaw, Penny Sharp-Sky, Susie Shipman, Buster Simpson, Laura Sindell, Susan Slapin, Randy Smith, Ken Speck, Vance Stephens, Kandis Susol, Domenic Verbano, Waterfront Gallery, and Pete Welty. Thank you, one and all.

Dorothy’s caringbridge site is: . There is a guest book, and your good thoughts and wishes there are welcome.

Sadie Bailey, Carol McKinstry, and Dorothy Austin