I am voting to reject propositions 1 and 2 as put forward by the Charter Review Commission. While arguments for rejecting this ballot measure have been reasoned, specific and intelligent, arguments to approve have been emotional, nebulous and full of clichés.

In a recent letter, Stephen Garrison worries that “Council positions that take a lot of time but pay little” cannot attract candidates. He tells us that under the present system, “the field is open only to those of means” and that “a working person supporting a family cannot consider running.”

Let me remind you of the makeup of our last 3 person Board of County Commissioners elected countywide (what 3 full time pay gave us): One Professional Lobbyist/now professional politician; one retired literature/poetry writing professor; one retired business and non-profit consultant.

Compare with the makeup of our current 6 person County Council elected by district (what 6 part time pay gives us): One working mother/civic leader; one retired fire chief/ working metal sculptor; one artist/business owner; one physicist/business owner; one financial and operations manager; one substitute teacher/residential and business real estate manager.

Moreover, the current candidates for County Council District 4 Orcas West position would be surprised to hear that they could not have considered running. Both candidates are hardworking small business owners with families to support. Both are also known, respected and active members of the community (School Board, Eastsound Planning Review Committee).

We get incredible value from our “half-time” Council members. I would rather have 6 diverse minds thinking about the challenges we face in our county than three.

For more information on why I am choosing to vote No on Propositions 1 and 2, please goto www.votenocharterreview1and2.com.

Please vote to REJECT Charter Review Propositions 1 and 2!

Nanae Nagaoka Fralick