I find that I too must add my name to the growing list of San Juan Co. Sheriffs Department employees who DO NOT support Asher for Sheriff. I have been with the Sheriffs Office for 34 years and a sergeant for the past 20 years. I have been asked so many times about who I like and dont like that I feel this may help those that are unsure.

First, I agree with the recent letters to the editor from Under Sheriff and Sgt. Brennan and their non -support of Asher. In fact I know of no support for Asher from any of the officers in our department and that alone should speak volumes to the voters. Yes the dive team has written letters of support for him and I would expect nothing less from them since they are on the dive team. I know many of them and they are good, hard working men and women who spend a ton of their own time and money training. However I must also point out that they are civilians and not full or part time cops, and this election with long reaching effects is for a new Sheriff, not the leader of the dive team.

Asher and some of his supporters are spending their time telling all that will listen how bad the Sheriff is, the department is and its employees because we didnt catch the Barefoot Bandit. Keep in mind that no one across the USA caught him either. Asher and a few of his supporters fail to mention the fact that Asher was on Orcas for a few weeks and we didnt see him catch the kid either. A few of his supporters also tried and failed, but that too was not mentioned, maybe due to selective memory that makes only the officers here look bad. As it happens some bad guys do get away, but I can tell you from being on this case from the start that it was not from a lack of trying. We had everyone from the FBI, ICE to other agencies in the area working with us. If the Asher crew had grand plan to catch him,they should have shared it.

Next this plan to have “ROC”s or retired cops to help do the law enforcement here. We have this already and its called Reserve Officers. There are only a few but they do indeed help out the regular officer, not replace him.But to say they only cost the price of a uniform is not correct at all. They must have complete backgrounds, Polygraph test, Phyc. test which alone cost more than $1000.00 dollars. Then lets not forget they need a portable radio, maybe a extra car to drive, and last of all, who are these people? Will they even fit in here and understand the special needs that come with policing this community? They may have a style that does not fit here at all or is way out of date for todays ever changing times.They must meet and pass all the WSCJTC requirements before they can be sworn in. Can they or do they want to do that?

In the end there are 4 good candidates to choose from in Rob, Brent, Brad and Felix. These 4 know whats needed to make the department work and they all know they can build on what the current sheriff has done so far, not try to tear it apart and rebuild it to their own personal agenda.

Sheriff Cumming has spent 24 years of his life making this a good department and one that the county and its citizens can be proud of. Have I always agreed with the Sheriffs ideas and goals over these years? No, not at all and I sure let him know it! However he and I have always been able to talk thing through and exchange ideas which is a trait I admire in Sheriff Cumming and see in the 4 , Rob, Brent, Brad and Felix.Are we afraid of change as Asher states in one of his letters? NO, not at, and are very ready for any that comes along. We all expect change and we all know and agree that this department must be open and accountable,and lead by a person that leads in that same manner. We do not want to be lead by someone who has and does spend time bashing the deaprtment,and its officers to anyone who will listen. This is still being done as you read this letter,. if not by Asher, then it is by a few of his supporters and that is still under his campaign name.

Read between the lines of his letters and those of his supporters and you will see a trend, and sure not one I would be very proud of!

Sgt. Steve Vierthaler
San Juan County Sheriff Office

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