Please join me in supporting Scott Lancaster for County Council.

Now, those of you who know me may be saying, “huh?”  Yes, Scott and I come from polar opposites of the political spectrum, but I have grown to know Scott through our service together on the school board.  While we approach issues from completely different points of view, we have a remarkably collaborative working relationship.

My experience has shown me that Scott has a profound ability to understand complex budgetary and policy issues.  He has helped the school district climb out of a fiscal hole that was so deep it almost required state intervention.   Because of his efforts, the district is in a much healthier condition.

Most of all Scott listens.   Even with an issue where he has a contrary point of view, I have witnessed Scott process comments from parents, staff, administration, community members, or other board members and watched as he has changed his position.  He does this because he knows his mission:  not to serve a political agenda, but to serve our students.  I have come to respect Scott and believe he will bring this same hard-working, honest, and open-minded skill set to the County Council.

Janet Brownell