Island West Residents and Friends,

This year’s election is approaching soon, and all of us will be faced with some important decisions. One is our choice for our next county council member. I have thought about this often. My choice and my vote will be for Scott Lancaster. I have known Scott and his family for several years, and I served with Scott on our local school board. These are elected positions, one fact which has persuaded me to support Scott in this race for the County Council.

I have served on many boards and commissions, as both an appointed and an elected member. I have found that those positions to which I was elected require a different and more complex approach than those to which I have been appointed. Being an elected official creates more difficulties in
reaching common ground, conclusions and results. Scott Lancaster has proven to be a very good elected official. He has shown me that he has the wherewithal to carefully weigh issues and options, as well as to work conscientiously with his peers.

I believe Scott Lancaster is the right individual to hold this position, and I hope a majority of you join me in supporting Scott for the County Council Orcas West position.


Bruce R. Orchid