I’ve recently heard a number of concerns regarding approving the modest funding proposal of the Orcas Park and Rec Commissioners, some of which have centered on the current state of Buck Park. Regardless of the history of Buck Park, and whatever resentments we may have over how it has (or hasn’t) been maintained, allowing Park & Rec to assume responsibility for its upkeep would be a huge step in the right direction.  The current state of the fields at Buck Park is poor and bordering on unsafe. Voting “yes” would help improve the fields to a level that our community deserves.

I can also report, first-hand, on how difficult it has become, as a parent volunteer, to keep youth sports going in the absence of an administrative entity to oversee it all. Approving funding for Orcas Park & Rec would provide much needed funds and administrative support to youth and adult sports leagues and activities.

I have attended a number of the Park & Rec Commissioners’ meetings and have spoken to several of the commissioners at length. I believe each of them is committed to listening to input from the community and doing their best to improve recreational opportunities on the island. While Park and Rec’s proposed budget may seem large, I believe it was the commissioners’ intent to set the draft budget to ensure they would have enough to do the job right. It is far easier to use less levy funds than authorized than to have to go out on the ballot again for more dollars.

Please make a much-needed investment in our community by voting “yes” when you get your ballot!

Barb Skotte

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