Contrary to the public accusations being made by some, San Juan County’s council elections are not being poisoned by powerful special interest groups or party machines.

We are just islanders and neighbors and regular people who run for office because we care about our community, and who vote for the candidates we hope will do the best job. We have opinions about issues. We have ideas about fixing problems. Hopefully we listen to each other with open minds.

With county-wide elections we need to support candidates either with money for mailers and ads (small change in the scope of things) or with volunteer time doing phonebanks, writing letters, helping the candidates campaign. And as voters, what we really want is civility.

We don’t need personal attacks on other candidates and exaggerated claims about special interest groups. Come on, this is San Juan County not Congress.

In my opinion, Lovel Pratt deserves our respect for her service to San Juan County over many years, and for refusing to use the tactics being used against her. I am voting for Lovel.

Sandy Strehlou
San Juan Island, District 1