We have a generous community on Orcas. It’s shown in the number of non-profit organizations located here. Generosity is evident in the land we take pride in protecting such as Turtleback. We rise to the occasion to protect what’s important or for the common good whether it be our environment or our community.

So I am puzzled, what kind of community doesn’t overwhelmingly support a park and recreational program for our kids?

We have a great quality of life and wonderful place to raise kids. But not everyone can afford private swimming lessons. Not everyone has the time to coordinate soccer. Not everyone can keep personally supporting a program that benefits a whole community.

I feel that recreational programs for youth are a building block in our community just as the senior citizen center, the fire and sheriff services, the cemetery or the roads upon which we drive.

Again, we are a generous community, but the Orcas Rec Program tried to survive on donations and grants and they could not sustain the program in this manner.

Constantly asking for money gets tiresome on both ends; and why should the weight be placed upon the same deep and generous pockets year after year. Can’t we spread the responsibility among the community? We are community — let’s come together and support the interests, activities and possibilities for our kids on our island.

The levy is for the common good on Orcas Island. I’m happy to spend $36 a year and volunteer my time for our community. I will vote YES for the Orcas Park and Rec Levy.

Michel Vekved