— by Randy Gaylord —

Dear Editor,

My thanks to those who voted in the primary election. Shortly after the election, Team Gaylord removed most of the Re-Elect Gaylord for Prosecutor signs from our scenic roadways. I believe residents and visitors deserve to finish the summer with a landscape without interruption.

I hope voters will take the rest from our signs to confirm the qualities you want in your prosecuting attorney. I have the proven experience, compassion, and leadership that matter. I will listen and provide independent advice unhitched from self-interest.

I have heard from citizens about the concerns about drug offenses, domestic violence, and emerging issues such as public access and protecting our marine resources.

This community demands much of its prosecutor and coroner. Sure, we defend claims and lawsuits, and prosecute criminals. But we also provide guidance and advice to independently elected officials for cutting-edge solutions. I have a record of meeting those demands as seen by the jet ski case, charter reform, unique solid waste and recycling Lopez and Orcas Island, and changes to state law inspired by the Barefoot Bandit Case so that restitution is paid to victims first.

I want to hear what you think. Look for me at the County Fair (after work or Saturday) or contact me at www.teamgaylord.com #teamgaylord