A critically important and time-sensitive opportunity related to the proposed Cherry Point Terminal has begun, so please note this set of important dates in our community in the several months.

First, the period of public comment for the scoping of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal at Cherry Point opened on Monday, September 24 and will end on January 21, 2013. This 120-day period is the critical window of opportunity for members of the public to clearly describe specific environmental topics or issues that we believe the EIS document should address. You can find details at www.eisgatewaypacificwa.gov.

Second, scoping letters that “clearly describe specific environmental topics or issues” need to be drafted. So that we can prepare the best possible letters that address our concerns here on Orcas (such as marine impacts, vessel traffic, potential spills, and so on), we are teaming up with the Friends of the San Juans and Protect Whatcom for a special meeting focused on strategies to prepare those letters. Specific information will follow shortly, but for now, please hold the following date and time on your calendars for this important meeting:  Thursday, October 25, 2012 from 5 – 7 PM in the Orcas Fire Hall.

Third, the efforts of many individuals and organizations were successful in securing a public “Scoping Meeting” in the San Juans. That meeting will be held on Saturday, November 3, 2012 at Friday Harbor High School, 45 Blair Avenue, Friday Harbor from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.   (A list of other public scoping hearings, including those in Bellingham and Mount Vernon, can be found at www.eisgatewaypacificwa.gov)

Public comments can be submitted at that time before January 21, 2013. To provide any project specific comments in writing or by e-mail, please visit the link above and follow the instructions outlined in the “Get Involved/Submit a Comment” section. All comments received will become part of the administrative record and are subject to public release, as appropriate, in their entirety, including any personally identifiable information such as names, phone numbers, and addresses, if included in the comment.

Please visit www.OrcasNOCOALition.net to stay informed about the details of this process.  And, please share this information with your friends and neighbors. Let’s use this important opportunity to weigh in with our concerns about the proposed terminal.


Donna Riordan, Co-founder
Orcas NO COALition