Bob Jarman has ALL the islands and islanders’ best interests at heart. We are voting for Bob Jarman to represent the citizens of San Juan County on the County Council because he is a true islander and a man of common sense, integrity, as well as being a proven leader.

In carefully crafted campaign material, candidates always present themselves in the best light; but let’s get beyond the platitudes. What a candidate says they believe, as in the answers to a newspaper’s questions, can be very revealing. Lovel Pratt touts that advocating for San Juan County at the state, regional, federal, and even international level is her focus. It is clear she doesn’t recognize that local solutions are what we need in San Juan County.

We are islands, NOT stepping stones to future political career opportunities. While it is true that our islands are affected by laws, and regulations beyond our borders; looking outside for solutions may prevent one from “seeing the trees for the forest”. Yes, it is important to work within the system because laws are passed down from Olympia and the other Washington; but solutions are right here in San Juan County if you’re a council member.

We have known Bob Jarman for over twenty years. We’ve worked with him professionally, on volunteer projects, as well as through friendship with both Bob and Susan Jarman. Bob is the BEST choice for county council.

This county needs Bob Jarman’s local leadership on the council. Islanders know what’s best for San Juan County. The solutions are home grown, not in Olympia or Washington DC. We knew that when we elected Bob just a few months ago. We should let him to do the job that we elected him for. RE-ELECT Bob Jarman.

 Jim and Minnie Knych