As your former County Council Member I strongly recommend retaining Rick Hughes as the Orcas representative on the San Juan County Council. He was overwhelmingly elected to fill this position last November. Based upon his thoughtful and balanced approach to County government to date, Rick Hughes deserves to be re-elected this April.

When Rick was first running for Council, we spent many hours discussing the magnitude and responsibility of the County Council along with the inner workings of local government. I was impressed with Rick’s ability to absorb this information and the depths of the questions he asked. I was even more impressed with the personal commitment he made to the job before being elected by spending countless hours at Council meetings studying County issues. Doing his homework has paid off. When he took office in January he hit the ground running and has taken a leadership role addressing the diverse challenges currently facing the County.

The county is a large, highly complex organization. With the passage of Charter Amendment 2, the comprehensive management skills of our council members are paramount. Rick has honed these skills through several executive positions in varied organizations, yet he’s never lost focus on the average worker doing their best to provide a safe home for their family. As a small, private business owner he understands what it means to make a payroll and balance a budget. A viewpoint and skill set that are extremely important in the climate of diminishing government resources.

I am proud to consider Rick Hughes a friend. The County is fortunate to have Rick currently serving as a County Council Member. Please join me and vote to keep Rick Hughes on the San Juan County Council.

Richard Fralick, Deer Harbor