We are writing to you as two teachers at Orcas Schools who work in all of the buildings and serve students K-12th grade.  We know firsthand the condition of the elementary, middle, high, and Waldron schools and can honestly tell you they ALL need serious help.  From heating issues, non-flushing toilets due to lack of water pressure, brown water in the taps, hot water issues, failing siding, HVAC systems, lack of integrity in sheer walls, shoddy construction materials, leaking roofs, lack of ADA accessibility, and the list goes on.

We also want you to bear in mind that all island children have access to these buildings even if they are homeschooled or in private schools. Many children who are not counted in the district’s enrollment, which is where the district’s state revenue is derived, come to play sports, attend college fairs, enjoy assemblies, take just one class at the high school, or receive special ed assistance. Everyone is always welcome and we teachers are happy and feel valued to help.

If you have been watching the interest rates lately you know they are the lowest in decades.  The highest tax projection after the bond passes is a .54 cents per thousand mil rate.  It is entirely possible the district could sell the bonds for a much much lower interest rate and there are even a zero interest rate bonds out there.  We will not know until the majority “YES” vote is confirmed.

Someone once said, “There is no time like the present” and as a community we are presently at a crossroads.  Please choose the right direction by endorsing the school bond with your affirmative vote, think beyond yourselves, think positive, and let us leave a legacy of quality buildings for our island children.

These are the same children that will become engineers, mechanics, farmers, carpenters, teachers, business owners, and health care professionals.  They will be the ones taking care of us in our old age, so let us now please vote “YES” and take care of them with healthy, safe, wheelchair accessible spaces.

Our own kids are already grown up or close to it.  They will not benefit directly from the passing of this bond.  However, we know the economic value excellent schools bring to our entire community and will gladly support the bond by voting “YES”.

Catherine Lafin- HS Spanish and K-12 ELL Teacher

Kari Schuh- Special Ed, Career Choices, FEAST Teacher

CTE and Special Ed Director

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