Dear Editor,

We are writing to tell you that TEACHERS SUPPORT CHRIS SUTTON for school board.  We are excited about this candidacy for the following reasons:

(1) Chris attended and graduated from the Orcas School system.

(2) Chris is self-employed in the field of business systems development.  He has worked closely with small and large companies.  He has a working understanding of the business pieces of the district that the board oversees.

(3) Chris has YOUNG children and so has a vested interest in seeing that the Orcas Schools are the best that they can be.

(4) Chris graduated from a four-year college, and so understands how important the high school years are in preparation for that and other endeavors.

(5) Chris is an involved parent who currently volunteers time coaching sports.  He understands the extra-curricular piece and its importance to kids.

(6) Chris has experience listening to people and creating solutions from those conversations.  This is a skill that cannot be undervalued. He is obviously good at it–that is how he makes his living.

Chris has stated that he and his family moved back here for the schools.  He is motivated. We believe he will bring a level of skill and expertise that will enhance the work of the current board.  His vested interest is to the children, which is the point of the school system.  We ask you to vote for Chris Sutton, position #1.  We believe strongly that he is the best choice.

Thank you,

Anne Ford McGrath
Lorena Stakevich
Mathew Chasanoff
Sharon Harvey