San Juan County Council Members,

We are writing to urge you to support Interior Secretary Salazar in his recommendation to the President that the BLM lands within our county receive permanent protection through the National Conservation Area/National Monument status by proclamation.  The legislative NCA process sponsored by Senator Cantwell and Representative Larsen might take quite awhile given congressional gridlock.  We should not wait.  One way or the other, these lands currently owned by the people of the United States and federally administered, need protection beyond that which presently exists.

NCA/National Monument status will protect these government lands from possible sale for development, mining permits, grazing leases, or energy production by future BLM managers. This is an incredible opportunity for local participation in the planning and implementation of the management plans for these properties.

As volunteer caretakers of the property at Watmough Head on Lopez Island, we walk the trails and beach regularly.  Because we all treasure these places, many others similarly help protect, keep clean, and educate the public through personal interactions.  Visitors are drawn to San Juan County because of the natural beauty of the islands and the BLM lands are a critical element in bringing those tourists and their monetary contributions into our local economy.  We often see cars with out of state license plates parked at the trailheads.

Please join us, and many other islanders, in supporting the actions necessary to protect these stellar jewels in the BLM constellation of public land holdings.  San Juan County has been blessed with natural wonders.  Positive action now will provide current and future generations of residents and visitors permanent protection for the historical, cultural, scenic, and scientific values of these one thousand acres, forever.

Let’s work together to make that happen.

Corky and San Olson, volunteer BLM monitors
Lopez Island