— by Cindy Wolf —

In the maelstrom of the political moment it is a pleasure to meet a young lawyer genuinely endowed with a judicial temperament and wisdom born of life experience struggling in the ordinary world.

I was at a fundraiser for Washington Attorney General Bob Fergusson when our hostess introduced me to Carolyn Jewett, Candidate for District Court Judge here in San Juan County. Since I was none too clear on what District Court does as opposed to Superior Court, I asked Carolyn and she gave a clear explanation based on her last three years serving as our county’s prosecuting attorney for District Court. Her level of expertise impressed the seasoned lawyers I was standing with and I liked her direct, pleasant manner of speech. She showed a rare blend of humility and natural authority.

Carolyn Jewett was born to a large family in the working-class town of Bremerton, WA. Because her school offered Running Start, she finished her AA Degree while still in Highschool. She graduated as Valedictorian, earned a BA in Sociology and Spanish from Washington State University Summa Cum Laude and went to UW School of Law.

Carolyn believes in accountability to the law, fair hearings for victims and defense and fair judgement for the accused. She has seen the community benefit when people in trouble for first-time offenses get back
on track. Punishments must be structured so such offenders can start making good choices like seeking treatment or finding and keeping a job. This way it becomes possible for a person to pay off fines, make
restitution to victims, and establish a stable life.

Carolyn has enough experience to do this job well and the intellect and temperament to excel. She is a fair-minded person of good character who makes the most of her opportunities to develop her capacities and do good work in the world. She wants this job because she thinks she can make a positive difference. She represents our best and brightest hope for the future of the Judicial System in the United States.

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