Years ago, I attended a day-long meeting/retreat facilitated by Lisa Byers. I’d known Lisa casually but as this day progressed I became more and more impressed with her ability to bring people together and to allow a good discussion of potentially divisive topics. Since then, I have enjoyed several more opportunities (as a participant) observing Lisa when she has been called upon to lead groups in establishing mutual goals or talking through sticky topics to come to consensus. She’s unfailingly able to do this with skill and good humor.

Lisa not only listens well but she also hears what is being said. In my experience, those two traits are not always present at the same time. She is skilled at helping people clarify ideas and goals because she has the ability to put herself aside and hear what is being said.

Lisa’s skills will allow our County Council to go forward functioning effectively. Her intelligence coupled with her ability to hear and understand differing sides to an issue will contribute to wise decisions for our County. I encourage you to join me in voting Lisa Byers for County Commissioner.

Coleen O’Brien