With a little luck from the weather, the participation of Orcas’ excellent food vendors and the large number of satisfied diners they served, The 18th Annual Bite of Orcas was once again a huge success.

The Bite is a major fundraiser for Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and the only one held (so far) on Orcas. It has become a hallmark event for the island which, along with Kaleidoscope’s Pet Parade and the Farmers Market, fills the Village Green with locals and visitors alike every Memorial Day Weekend. Many dedicated individuals put a great deal of time and energy into making it happen: Cali Bagby, Arthur Cherry, Barbara Ellenwood, Pat Downey, Kathy Everett, Bailey Johnson, David Johnson, Heather Johnson, Gretchen Kaiser, Susan Krieger, Mike Krieger, Suzanne Lyons, Teena Martin, Fred Munder, Linda Sullivan, Elyse Van den Bosch and Wade West.

A huge thanks to the generous vendors who took part this year: Allium/Lily, Cafe Olga, Deer Harbor Inn, Doe Bay Cafe, Hogstone/Ship Bay, Juke Joint Foods, Mia’s, New Leaf/Outlook, Orcas Village Store and Rosario. A special thanks goes to Hoppin Island Brewery which donated all of the beer for the event and to Mike Sheridan of NW Totem Cellars for contributing a case of delicious merlot.

Thanks to everyone in the community who came to enjoy the food and support the important work of Wolf Hollow.

Susan Oseth
Wolf Hollow