The Big Band Dinner Dance at the Senior Center on the October 20th was a huge success. All of tickets were sold and a wonderful time was had by everyone who attended.

Of course, no event would be successful without volunteers. A big “Thank You” to Margie Doyle for her help with the publicity. The delicious dinner was prepared by Jay Savell and served by
Key Club and football team members. Super Volunteer, Barbara Pesola, was a huge help in the kitchen. Lovely music was provided by Mary Meyers and Marilyn Parman for the first hour and it gave the event such a nice feel.

This was an event sponsored by the Advisory Committee and they worked hard to make this the success that it was. For those who didn’t come, and for those who did, there will be more dances in your future.

Jane Heisinger, Coordinator of the Senior Services Advisory Committee