It truly was another amazing event. On February 4th the seed saving group quickly filled West Sound Community Hall. A frenzy of veggie and flower seed exchanges commenced.  Literally hundreds of seed varieties were shared. In addition to sharing rare seed, local favorites, and newer heirloom varieties; the sharing of gardening & seed saving tips abounded.

It’s the grand event of the year for the Islands’ passionate heirloom veggie gardeners! As our friends’ arms fill with bounty, their faces are beaming with that wide-eyed enthusiasm only a passionate gardener could know. The Heritage Seed Exchange has quickly become an annual Island tradition. In fact, we are very happy to report, this year’s attendees included residents of neighboring Islands and the mainland, including Organic Seed Alliance.

We would like to express our heart-felt appreciation to all sponsors: West Sound Community Club, Orcas Island Hardware & Supply, Orcas Island Yacht Club, Green Heart Gardens, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company, Seed Savers Exchange, and Southern Exposure Seed Exchange.  Monumental appreciation also goes out to all volunteers, and local seed savers. Your participation and commitment make this event possible.  KUDOS to you all!

Heritage seed saving and sharing seed are some the most important things you can do. When we save a single seed from extinction, together, we build healthy communities and promote diversity. The rewards are truly infinite.

Have a wonderful year and happy gardening to you all. It’s time to plant peas and fava!

Ronda Jones and Ginger Moore, Event Organizers and proud supporters of Orcas Island Food Bank and Community/School Garden Programs