— from Dean I. Tharp, Bellingham —

I am writing in wholehearted  support of Nick Power’s candidacy for Prosecuting Attorney.  As a former union representative and advocate for San Juan Island County employees I have been in a unique position to observe the complicated workings of county employee relations and how the county prosecutor’s office can provide a needed, guiding hand when personnel disputes arise.  Sadly, my experience shows this vital leadership has not been evident in the actions of the current county prosecutor.

Because labor unions cannot enforce employer compliance with state/federal law, I was always pleased when an employee retained Nick Power’s services. In cases where we coordinated union and legal representation, I found Nick a smart, tireless and effective advocate for the working men and women of San Juan County.  Nick is one of those rare attorneys who showed he cared—by offering sympathy and support while diligently searching for creative, workable solutions.

Citizens of San Juan County would be well -served by a prosecuting attorney who puts the interests of justice and fairness before politics. Please vote for Nick Power.