— from Christopher Evans —

Scene at West Beach Resort, Friday night (7/17) at 10 pm:

16 people in their 20s gathered around one campfire on the beach in front of cabin 5. Zero masks, zero social distancing. Singing, dancing, and partying like it’s 1999. Blasting pop music from a radio without any concern for anybody but themselves.

As it’s in my neighborhood, I go to West Beach a lot, and their behavior was obnoxious by any standards, much less in a pandemic. It was obviously a group of people from several distinct households (Probably 16 different households.) When I asked them what the hell they thought they’re doing, they all laughed and made drunkenly obnoxious comments. As I walked a couple cabins down and saw a family around their own campfire, I asked them, “Is this OK with you?” They said it most certainly was not but they felt intimidated to say something.

I called the night manager to tell her the situation. She responsibly and quickly responded to the scene. Other than witnessing the groups’ verbal protest against the night manager, I left the scene and don’t know the rest of the story. But it’s quite probable that the next day and today, this same 16 people went into town to the Brown Bear Bakery, or the Island Skillet, or the Island Market, or the Saturday market, Cascade Lake, or…OK, you get it. They most certainly got back on a ferry boat and headed back to wherever they all came from.

We are in Phase 2 which limit social interactions to groups of five or less. It also prohibits nonessential travel. This large and irresponsible gathering is exactly what you hear in real news stories around the country, on display here on Orcas

There is so much wrong with this scenario all at once that it’s hard to unpack. But a lot of it goes under the heading of responsibility.

  1. Who is responsible for this situation happening? The ferry system that brought them here? The San Juan County Council that wants to keep pushing us to stay open instead of stay home? The San Juan visitors bureau that promoted tourism. West Beach Resort that made the booking? 
  2. What is the point of our local community practicing responsible behavior, when we have this kind of giant crack in the system?
  3. Who is responsible for policing these kinds of violations? Our sheriff’s department? West Beach Resort? Apparently, in that moment was it me?
  4. Who is responsible for saying something or doing something about non-essential travel running rampant on our island?

So, with little answers to any of these questions, I write this letter.

You know what? I wanna party like it’s 1999. I have several friends that I haven’t seen since the beginning of March. But in order to protect my community, we are not getting together. I want to work again! I want to sing karaoke. I want to take my family out to eat. I want to do live theater. I want to hug people. But there is a code that the vast majority of us are following, making true sacrifice for the health of our community. I care about this place and our community and since I was the sole witness to this debacle, I wanted the community to know about it

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