Ode to the Viking Voice, the Orcas High School student paper! What a power of good it did my heart to find your website and start reading your present and past satire! What a joy!

These young people, obviously, have yet to be adulterated, for the wit is smooth and the grammar, absolutely correct! This stuff is far better that anything else I have read in years, on the internet… Really! All you adults out there need to read this paper, and appreciate what all your school levy money is producing!

I do have to admit, woefully to myself in humility, that I not longer have the brain power, ambition, or energy to actually write like that… And so, for everyone out there: As the political scene this fall scares your pants off, and as the dreariness of winter sets in, I encourage you to mine this clear vein of gold that is the Viking Voice, laugh your butt off, and warm yourself by the fires of truth that the youth still have the ability to express. It will bring much needed joy back to your heart!

Thank you, young people, who contribute to your school paper, you are truly the blessing and the hope of this world. I so appreciate your abilities, and your beautiful humor. You did my heart a power of good, and I am a very grateful reader.


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