— from Tom Eversole —

China implemented strict countermeasures to stop COVID-19 to save people. Americans are reopening businesses to manage COVID-19 to save capital. It is a false choice. Saving both is possible as per New York’s smart reopening plan.

Soon 3,000 Americans may die from COVID-19 daily, yet those deaths are largely invisible to most of us. America’s “check engine light” for isolation measures currently seems to be when hospitals and the sick-care system crash. 

Two 787 Max planes fell from the sky recently, and FAA grounded the fleet. If six airliners carrying COVID patients dropped from the sky every day until we reached herd immunity at 2.4 million deaths, people would notice, and perhaps federal agencies would do their jobs. 

Who would get out of bed to put out most of a wildfire approaching their house, but go back to bed leaving pockets of the fire ready to resume their advance during the night? Georgia and some other states have done that, and America is waiting 14-28 days to exhale.

The “Liberate” protesters demonstrated more defiance than understanding of the epidemic’s potential or risk. While Michigan allows open carry of guns in public for a legal purpose, what purpose does an assault rifle have but to kill wide swaths of people when carried into a crowd? Protesters had no right to deliberately expose law enforcement officers to their pathogens during a stay-at-home order declared expressly to prevent it.

Hopefully, voters have seen enough to elect responsible state and federal officials this fall.