As people start to awaken to how we have all been played, by the controllers of this world, I want to put out a call for us all to come together, again. We need to re-unite. They have tried their hardest to divide us: Democrats/Republicans, Vaccinated/Unvaccinated, Black/White, Gay/Straight… You name it, they try it. They are good at that. The people telling you to hate, are the ones who are corrupted. We, human beings are generally beautiful people, who love and care about each other, and this Planet. Look around at how our Island Community stepped up and assisted all of the people to making it through this “pandemic”. I don’t even see any homeless people left on the streets, drug addicted or otherwise… I believe, perhaps, we have housed them all… Even under this spell of Covid fear and lying, that we have been under, we took care of each other, we came together, and we helped each other. So, as we awaken to the Truth about how we have all deceived by this fear-based nonsense, I hope we can become the caring, loving society, that we already are, underneath all the made up drama.

Even with the damage done by the deceivers, and the lust and the greed of this world, we still have the potential to turn this All around, and turn this Earth back into the Paradise, that it is meant to be. For, what is truly important? Life is important! Living things are important! Life Matters! Joy and Happiness for the individual come from the whole web of life being Happy, and Joyful. May we use what just happened to us over the last 2-3 years to totally awaken from the dysfunction of our society, and embrace the Loving and Caring that is the Real Power that can transform this World.

We need to stop believing these top-down narratives. Humanity has been lied to, forever. Whatever is crafting the narrative for Earth’s societies lies, cheats, and steals… They kill us, and this planet, for profit, an insatiable greed.. We all see this. We all know this. The system we live in is corrupted, it is based on this lust or fear that can never be satiated… Even some of the most benevolent seeming environmental organizations, at the top, are driven by this greed. Humanity has been so deceived. That is what has created this trash heap we are living. We need New Ideas, beautiful thinking, we need to step outside of the box that we have been ushered into for generations. And I have a suggestion: Just Stop Listening. Stop listening to these psychopaths at the top of the Media establishment as they try and shepherd humanity into demented and destructive states of reality. Use your Own Creative Mind, your Own Loving Heart and create a New Reality, a better reality. Look around you. Feel what is happening! Didn’t Buckminster Fuller say: “You don’t need to fight the old systems, you just need to create new ones, that make the old ones, obsolete”? We need to transform this World into something that we can happily and contentedly give to the Future Generations of Earth. A Future that is not corrupted, a Future that is beautiful and worth living in. We need to unplug from the mentally ill who run these old belief systems that usher society around. This society is largely created by television. And the programming is crap. Trust Yourself. Trust your own imagination. Trust You Own Ideas. That is how this society gets out of this death spiral… Trust Yourself and Do What is Right. It all comes back to the Heart, Humanities’ Heart. What do we want this World to be like? Do we want to continue to listen to our mental slave masters that lie to us over and over and over again? Is not a little suffering, a little of coming out of our comfort zones, to live life a different way, without Fear, worth it? To create a Brighter Future? Do we care about our Earth? What are we leaving the youth in this world? What are we leaving all of life?  A debauched planet? We cannot allow this current system to continue… The current status quo, that we all live within, is not sustainable, and we all know it. It is Time For New ideas. I love these islands. I grew up here. I believe that these islands have the emotional and spiritual capital that we can tap into, so we make the changes that are necessary.

So what to do? HOW do we do this? It has to come from within You. What do you want to love? We need to look around us and see the pain, the suffering. What do the Natives say? “The Earth Needs our Tears”…? Open Your Heart to the darkness you feel all around you… Humanity will likely make or break our future based on this Generation, right now. What do we want? What do we want our future to be like?

When I first came to Orcas 15 years ago, I saw the potential of these island communities to become a Human Society that affirms loving and caring. I saw that we could become a template for human societies that benefit the Earth, that benefit All Life. Societies that affirm Love and Caring as the principal goals of our existence. A Way of living that affirms all of life, in its’ myriad forms. I saw, and still believe, that could stop our taking ways, and truly enhance all ecosystems, truly benefit the Earth. We need to Do That Now. Much of the groundwork to help each other in these islands is already Done:  The Exchange. We have a beautiful Community Resource Center. We have a wonderful Food Bank, feeding all the humans that don’t have food. We have many other people and organizations who have worked very hard from their Caring Hearts to help all of us. They see and believe in the interconnectedness of all life. They understand that when one falls, we all fall. Yes, we already have much of the on-the-ground structure needed to create a Beautiful New World. Can we all embrace that this old reality is over? It has failed. It never served our species. Unquenchable greed has eaten up the whole world. It is horrible. I believe that Humanity largely realizes this, and we are primed to make a leap into a Society of Love. A new way of being, much more at peace, without the Fear and the Lust. A society where we don’t cower in Fear, but where we Give Back. This is humanities’ future! But, we have to figure out how to do this. I see it is an exercise in reaching beyond what we believe is possible, into darkness of the void, using your imagination and a loving heart and bring into Reality the New. We can do this!

I feel that these islands have a such a Soul of Integrity and Beauty, we have a lot to work with. Perceive it, Feel it. Let’s bring in the New Society that appreciates All Life. A Society of Peace. We have incredible potential; we just need to harness it. Turn off that TV that is destroying your mind. Plant a Garden. Plant a Garden that feeds all of life! What a Thought! Change is needed. What we do now, will not see us through. Change is Needed. Breathe through this dysfunctional reality, this apathy. The light has always been these, above these stormy clouds. Money is not necessarily the problem, or the solution. It is a Change of Thinking. An Open Heart. An appreciation of all of life. An embrace of your neighborhood. Do we really want to continue to live our lives in Fear, Lust, Power, Money, Control? Humanity will make or break this World, in this Generation. Which way do we want to go?

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