||| from Susan Mustard |||

Think globally, act locally. County government on our island has a huge impact on our lives. Recently Rick Hughes promised to be an “Environmental Warrior” in a third term in office.

Below is a photo of an ever expanding auto junkyard on the very edge of Otters Pond.

Over the years, more cars have been added, as well as mounds of discarded trash. Many of you pass this illegal dump almost daily driving on Olga Road. Some years ago, I wrote letters to County officials because I was concerned leaking automobile fluids would not only affect Otters Pond (a designated wetland) but would pose pollution risk to the drinking water source for many island residents. The Pond drains into Cascade Lake near the drinking water intake for Rosario and the Highlands. Residents in both Rosario and the Highlands have written letters of concern to the County including the late Richard Jordan. Within this past year, the neighbors abutting this property wrote a letter voicing concerns to the County. No action has ever been taken by the County.

Isn’t it high time to enforce the rules? The race for County Council District 2 is between Rick Hughes and Cindy Wolf. Although Cindy won the primary, she faces a big battle; unseating an incumbent. In 2012, Hughes vowed to serve only two terms; he is now running for a third. I am endorsing Cindy because I believe she will provide much needed responsive new leadership for our County.