— from Joan and Gwen Stamm —

Every year people go to Coffelt Farm to celebrate the birth of new born lambs. It is truly a life affirming event that ushers in spring. But do people realize that in a few short weeks these same lambs will be slaughtered for human consumption? Generally, the slaughtering process entails bringing an animal down a chute, they are stunned and once they fall they are bled out.

How much more life affirming it would be if people turned away from eating animals to eating a plant-based diet. It has been scientifically proven that it is not necessary to eat animals to meet our protein needs and sustain our health. In fact it is not only healthier for humans to reduce or eliminate meat consumption, but it is also healthier for the planet. Allowing these animals to live out their natural life (10-12 years) would be much more life affirming and truly something to celebrate.