How many articles does CC need to receive in order to realize that the existing moratorium is a sham, that STRs are causing serious problems everywhere in the world, and that the vast majority of the residents of SJC want to place a meaningful cap on STR permits. 
No one is asking what is the “right” cap. People are only imagining what is politically acceptable. The majority want a cap to include only VRPs that were permitted and compliant as of July 2021. The majority want the VRP to expire when the land sells. The majority want to preserve and protect their emotional and financial investment in living in the san juans.
The “right” cap would take a much more thoughtful approach as to county, island and neighborhood impact. We are not having that conversation. Why? Because Council doesn’t have the courage to do the right thing. We elected them to be proactive and responsible. They are neither. 
Wise, thoughtful, and fair solutions can be crafted from serious public conversations. It won’t be fast or easy, but it is the only way to do this right. The public process on this topic is abysmally inadequate. Why?
No imagination, no courage, no leadership.
If CC is insufficiently caffeinated, I’ll be happy to buy all the coffee you need to wake up.
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