— from Andy Wickstrand —

Primary ballots have been mailed and I encourage you to join me in voting for Alex Ramel for State Representative.

I have known Alex for 20 years and he is genuinely one of the most intelligent and capable people I have ever had the privilege of working with.

Alex and I served on the boards of Kulshan Community Land Trust and Washington Conservation Voters and effective advocacy for affordable housing and the environment is in his DNA.

Alex is a man of vision and strong conviction but he is no partisan or ideologue. He thrives at bringing people with differing opinions together to arrive at the best and most equitable outcome for all.

Those of us who have known Alex rejoiced when he (Finally!) announced his candidacy for elected office. We are fortunate to have a number of qualified candidates running for our district this year but Alex stands alone in his abilities to get things done.

Please help get this remarkably talented man elected. Alex is youthful and energetic and has the ability to affect real change in Olympia that will positively impact our quality of life in the San Juans for many years to come.

Learn more about Alex at www.alexramel.com.

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