— from Luann Pamatian —

I am writing with two “hats” on: as a Community Advocate for SAFE San Juans and as an actor in community theater productions.  I have been providing support for people experiencing all forms of domestic violence and sexual assault for over two years. Both of these “professions” were called upon when I saw the opening night of Streetcar Named Desire. I first must applaud the actors in their performing of such a powerful story. This production had me on the edge of my seat, holding back tears, with jaw and fists clenched.  The caliber of acting was astounding. I forgot that those actors are my friends; they became the characters they portrayed. The play was unsettling on many different levels: mental health, racism, sexism, and alcoholism all portrayed with such incredible mastery. 

As an advocate, I am reminded of how complex and real the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault are. It was true in New Orleans in 1947 and it is true today on Orcas Island.  That being said, this play could be triggering for some people; SAFE San Juans is available 24/7 on our local crisis line 360.376.1234.  This play is important in many ways. I see it as an opportunity for community discussion. There will be a “Talk Back” on Thursday, January 31 after the show. We can start conversations and we can listen to our friends, neighbors, and family and hear their stories. Together we can help end violence and stand up to harmful displays of power and control.  We are here for you.