— from Shawn Alexander —

I have known and worked with Steve Brandli since he moved here. I have worked with and against Steve many times over the years and I have seen first-hand the respect with which he treats others, even opposing parties.

Steve’s depth of knowledge and experience is just what our Court needs. As a lawyer whose practice includes District Court in many Washington counties, I see the desperate need for an experienced judiciary in other counties. Small Claims and District Court is where many people who cannot afford expensive legal help end up for resolution to their legal issues. A District Court Judge with compassion, experience, and large breadth of knowledge is required.

Because many litigants in District Court are self-represented they depend on the Judge to know the law and apply it to their cases fairly. Our local court system will be lucky to have an experienced attorney handling District Court. I hope you vote in any event and I think you should vote for Steve Brandli for San Juan County District Court Judge.

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