— from Tom Eversole —

Corona Virus is a wakeup call to issues influencing our health, economy, society, and government.  Stopping COVID-19 spread depends on social distancing, but many don’t have that option. People make choices within the choices they have, so addressing economic and social injustice is sound disease prevention.

Pandemic-inspired lists of essential workers include emergency/fire, healthcare, grocers, stock clerks, plumbers, cooks, waiters, electricians, and farmers. Yet, prior to the March 27 CARES Act, which of those had pre-standing, paid sick leave, health insurance, and a single-family home where they could isolate? Were unemployment benefits available for everyone including small business folks? Will America become great again under a patchwork temporary rescue legislation versus solid, enduring programs that ensure economic and public health security? 

Think downstream. Our food supply chain is currently intact. Lacking healthy migrant farmworkers, will this summer’s harvest supply our fall and winter needs during a second wave of COVID?

The difference between countries that have successfully reduced COVID transmission and deaths versus less successful countries may be people’s belief in the competence of their governments.  Such confidence supports social distancing directives and cooperation. Each state’s stay-at-home orders everywhere will be prolonged by the amount of time it takes the last ones to adopt theirs. 

Norovirus, SARS, MERS, Zika and Ebola were all bellwethers begging a more systemic governmental response. Missing those cues, COVID is here. Now is our chance. Hopefully upcoming elections will yield leaders who own their responsibility to assure Pubic Health capacity as a national security issue.