— from Paul Arons —

I have lived on San Juan Island since 2002 and have been practicing law for nearly forty years. I have known Nick Power since I began practicing law in Washington, starting in 2013.

Nick is tremendously imaginative, articulate and smart. He fights hard for his clients to make sure his client gets a fair shake. He does quality work, has broad experience and has litigated in a number of Washington counties. I have no doubt he will do a good job as Prosecuting Attorney.

I have also seen examples of the work of the current Prosecuting Attorney. In a few matters involving people I know, I have witnessed what I consider to be bullying conduct over what should have been easily-resolved disputes. In matters where Nick has represented individuals seeking to vindicate their rights against the County, I have seen the current Prosecutor take a dogmatic, stubborn and uncompromising attitude, needlessly driving up litigation costs, especially where the County has to spend tens of thousands of dollars on outside counsel. I assume this waste will continue if the incumbent remains in office.

I wholeheartedly endorse the candidacy of Nicholas Power for district attorney of San Juan County.

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