— from Mia Kartiganer for Port of Orcas —

This is not a “To Whom it May Concern” letter, that would suggest that it doesn’t concern us all. Whether you vehemently oppose expansion of our airport, support it in toto or are indifferent, the choices we make in the coming months/year(s) will have an impact on all of us.
As Chair of our Port Commission it is my duty to guide us through these choices with respect and consideration for that impact; responsible to environment and community.
The challenge is how do we build trust? Trust within our community, trust within the commission. Our commission of five includes varying ideologies, approaches to life and relationships with the history of the port itself. I believe the most expedient path to this commission becoming a cohesive team in service to our community is to take the time, right now, to put aside assumptions and learn about each other. Towards that end I am calling for a retreat, allowing a day to map out our strengths and goals, understand what we need from each other and what we are able to give.
I had hoped to have the opportunity to do this before we freshmen were sworn in but was undermined by the holidays and vacation plans. That means calling a public meeting. So we will. I hope that people will choose to give us the space and time needed, that it is understood that we will not be discussing specific port business but rather sharing how each of us envision the path forward. Though I would encourage Minor Lile [Orcas Issues reporter] to come observe and report back, the retreat will not be a time for public participation.
My intention is to change the culture of the port leadership. It will require shifts in what is expected from staff as well as the commissioners. To quote a friend (quoting his mentor) ‘small doable actions + fast visible results= behavioral change (with enough people)->cultural change’.
While I am not yet adept at the rules of order, I will be sure that we/you are all very clear about any decisions that we make and how we arrive at them. Your patience is appreciated.
Most importantly, if you have specific questions for DOWL- the engineering company tasked with creating the Master Plan for the Airport, please submit them to whichever commissioner you choose: mia@, bea@, michael@ pierrette@, steve@ portoforcas.com.
The deadline is February 1. This will give us time to compile a list and send it to DOWL so they can prepare for our conference call at our next regular meeting February 13 at 5 p.m. I will make contingency arrangements in the event that a larger venue than the airport’s is needed to accommodate interested parties. We will not open the floor to questions at that time so please plan ahead.
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Thank you Mia, for staying open and accessible to the changes that my be forthcoming at the Port. I hope people will communicate their concerns to the engineers at DOWL in time for your call to them. And best wishes on the Port Commissioners’ retreat! Sending you much appreciation and support.
Margie Doyle
Good, clear, honest letter, Mia.
And nice to hear from you, Margie
Thank you Mia. I have confidence in the new board members.
I would appreciate it if we could rescind the recent decision regarding the airport expansion issue, (throw it in the trash can)… and start over.
You might consider having your retreat at Lavender Farm, right under the flyway. It will give you the FEEL of the consequences of expansion.
Spirit Eagle
I support the intention, Mia – but also, maybe check with the RCWs and guidelines about commissioner retreats, if all 5 of you or a quorum of 3 or more attend. How is that handled? That would be my suggestion, based on what happened today. The Atty General’s office is there as a resource for questions like these that you may have about how to conduct yourselves according to proper protocol so that you don’t put yourselves at risk of liability.