Hi Leith,

The Orcas Fire levy for collection in 2023 was $2,384,531.23, with a levy rate of 0.5883604965 per $1,000 of assessed value based on a total assessed value of $4,052,840,468 for the district. There is one year remaining on the 10 year levy approved by the voters.

If the 10 year levy had not been in place this year, the district would have been limited to $1,225,724.93 based on the “inactive” levy carried since the temporary lid lifts were approved starting in collection year 2000. The levy rate for collection in 2023 would have been 0.3024360173 if the voters had not approved the temporary lid lifts. There was a 15 year levy approved for collection starting in 2000, and a subsequent 10 year levy approved starting in 2015.

If the voters do not approve a lid lift before the end of the current 10 year lift, the “inactive” levy will become active and the district will be limited to $1,225,724.93 plus increases as allowed by RCW 84.55, which add 1% and an amount calculated from the value of new construction in the district, which is historically about another 1%-3%. We won’t know the rate needed to generate the levy amount until the assessed value is known, which won’t happen until the end of the year, but rates GENERALLY drop from year to year because assessed values tend to go up more than the increase allowed for the taxing districts levy limit.

Let me know if you have questions. 


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