— from Chris Bean-Hearne —

I took a long look at the recently detailed and lengthy proposed plans published by EPRC for the improvements on Prune Alley. It comes down to this — the gentrification and tarting-up of a nice, old village street with the final effect (at a cost of $4,500,000) resulting in a street you could find anywhere in suburbia U.S.A. No character, no charm, no individuality.

Street lampposts (17 of them), wide pavements, even EV charging stations! Too much!

You can respond with comments, questions and opinions until July 28 to Eastsoundplanningreview@gmail.com and/or if you wish to be involved in a zoom meeting on July 30, email Leith Templin at leithtemplin@hotmail.com.

I also have fingers crossed that the remaining two plum trees on the Alley can be saved as the EPRC is saying it hopes to do. What a sad day to lose the last vestiges of the Prune Alley orchards and part of our Orcas history.

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