I believe that Justin Paulsen is the right person with the right experience to represent us— our friends and neighbors of this little group of islands in the Salish.

Governance is fundamentally about caring for people in a way that upholds their rights, promotes their well-being, and fosters a sense of community and belonging. At the core of effective governance lies a commitment to serving the needs of our community, ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities, and safeguarding the dignity and rights of every individual. It means prioritizing the most vulnerable and marginalized folks, listening to their voices, and working towards solutions that promote inclusivity and equity.

We need to recognize everyone’s humanity, dignity, and worth. This involves creating a culture of empathy, compassion, and mutual respect that guides the actions of those in positions of authority.

This is Justin Paulsen at his core.

Those that are closest to understanding the challenges that many face are in the best position to represent us. Justin arrived in San Juan County 24 years ago in an RV. He came to Orcas Island to build affordable housing. Over the years his team has produced over 70 affordable units for our community.

Justin is the Ferry Advisory Committee Chair. He is a member of Community Water Taxi that just helped the County secure $1.5M in emergency funding for on-water transportation. He is a founding board member of Recovery In Community—an organization that provides recovery/support services to individuals in our community. He is a Park & Rec Commissioner, and he is heavily involved in early childhood education and youth athletics. He and his wife Amber have fostered over 50 island children. And almost all of this? Without pay.

Justin won Orcas Island by 9.5% in the primary! Those that know Justin, chose Justin. I would encourage those that don’t know him to spend some time at justin4council.com.

I ask all residents of San Juan County to vote for Justin Paulsen for County Council Seat #2.


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