Our property change of value increased 100% for tax year 2023. Many residents incurred the same or higher. Why? Because buyers paid sellers the inflated prices they were asking and of course the sellers accepted-who wouldn’t? Washington State mandates that counties can only go back 14 months of real estate appraisals to compile their New Value amounts. This new value amount is then divided by 1000 and multiplied by the new tax levy the assessor develops.

Unless the 2023 levy is greatly reduced my property taxes for 2023 will double. Yours may as well. The solution is for the WA legislature to pass new statutes allowing for three, five, or seven year averaging of the appraisals and levy amount. Many states provide residents with reduced property taxes if they meet all of the following requirements: age 65 or older, property is owner’s full-time residence, and primary sources of income for the owner are retirement accounts – not earned income. Why doesn’t WA have such an exemption?

We all need to write to our legislators — Liz.lovelett@leg.wa.gov, debra.lekanoff@leg.wa.gov, and alex.ramel@leg.wa.gov and ask them to remedy this problem. Also, contact John Kulseth our SJC assessor and ask the levy amount for 2023 be greatly reduced.


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