— from Eleanor Hoague —

I have been seeing a large number of signs around Orcas urging people to vote no on Referendum 88 saying “Keep Discrimination Illegal.” THIS IS HUGELY MISLEADING. The referendum is a public vote on I-1000, the affirmative action ballot measure approved by the Legislature this spring.

I-1000 would allow affirmative action policies in the areas of public education, public employment, and public contracting. It will restore fairness for veterans, small business owners, women, and people of color seeking to succeed in public employment, contracting, and university admissions – without the use of caps or quotas. Affirmative action, which is legal in 42 other states, will increase business contracts and college enrollment for women and people of color as well as veterans in Washington. It is endorsed by  SEIU Healthcare 1199NW, Teamsters Joint Council 28, UFCW 21 and the Washington State Labor Council

It’s long past time to restore affirmative action in Washington. I urge you to vote to approve Initiative 1000.