Apologies to Rays Pharmacy and all others who were recipients of last weeks “protest.“ Not on behalf of the group BUT because some on our island who chose that behavior I am writing this.

Orcas has always had a reputation for its intermingling of people and respectful acceptance of its diversity. Are we to lose that ? With the actions of a few begins a change that is not going to be for the better.

I am glad I do not have any idea of who constituted the group. I only saw a group on the street driving by and later learned of their actions at Rays and elsewhere.

The price we pay for pharmaceutical needs is indeed a big concern but to target our local supplier is not the answer. We support pharmaceuticals because we need antibiotics and many other drugs for a large variety of health problems. We are lucky to have a very fine pharmacy here on Orcas. Decades ago when Ray and Elaine Jagles risked starting the business we were grateful to not have to wait for a prescription to be flown in from elsewhere.

Target the real villains if you must. Masks or unmasked who’s to say? Vaccinate or not, hindsight will tell which side was more correct. I [along with] hundreds of other islanders did get vaccinated hoping this was the answer. My hope is our children will not be subject to this before and only if it is PROVEN to be necessary for them by more than one entity.

A bigger concern is the big picture of the Critical Race Folly to indoctrinate the young with all kinds of misdirected, inappropriate, unnecessary forced information. Many parents in our country are seeing the damage to the children this will have and are doing
something about it.

The inappropriate action shown by the protest group to include children encourages disrespect for others and private property. What are they to learn? God forbid that the mentality to burn and loot will become their accepted right also. I pray not for those growing up on Orcas Island who have been exposed to better learning & living with others .

A bigger concern that should be at the top of the list, how Big Tech communications now OWN us, systematically controlling, manipulating and censoring information and not always for the good of the people but for a particular purpose.


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