— from Diane Boerstler, PTSA President —

Happy 2018-2019 School Year!

Thank you to everyone who has ever financially supported our PTSA, and an especially HUGE thank you to those who’ve freely given your time!

Our PTSA board is facing a serious challenge, and we’re hoping you can help.

PTSA has provided Orcas Island families, community members, and especially Orcas Island School District Students fun activities and financial support for school events and needs that otherwise go unmet for many years.

However, we’re currently running on a skeleton crew of four board members, and very few (incredibly wonderful and dedicated) volunteers, and we need more help OR we will no longer be able to support the following events and needs in our community.

What does PTSA support in our community?

Friday Night Roller Skating • Bounce House & Cotton Candy Events • Back to School BBQ • ordering and stocking Emergency Backpacks • Staff Appreciation Week • coordinating and running the Book Fair • providing volunteers and coordination for vision and hearing screenings • Box Tops for Education • Kindergarten Tea • plus writing grants and ongoing Fundraisers that provide needed financial support to things like Rain Gear for Farm to Classroom, Pumpkin Run, Snacks for testing, teacher scholarships (in years we can) and more along with all the administrative tasks that go along with running these events and a not-for-profit organization.

PTSA board and volunteering with us really IS fun, we love it. But we don’t want to see our ability to fulfill these needs and hold these events disappear.

This year, to keep PTSA going, we need other parents and community members to join us in providing time and talent to support fundraisers and events.

If you feel like stepping onto PTSA as a board member or roller skating coordinator or volunteer, please email diane.boerstler@gmail.com

(Volunteers and board members receive admission to all events, and membership, for free, so it’s a wonderful way to get involved in your community while having your kids by your side.)

You can become as involved as you’d like, or only support one our two events you enjoy but if you can find it in your schedule to help, please consider it.

Thank you again for continuing to support your Orcas Island PTSA.