Commissioner Fuller,

As a firefighter and paramedic, I respect your substantial efforts to the fire service, and I respect your authority. You were a great chief and I know you have done what you feel to be best for OIFR.  You put forth the levy, the one you believed to be best. It failed. Not by a little, but by a lot. You have now put forth the same levy for the November election. You have stated “you know what the public needs best.” You do not. It is clear. You have put at risk OIFR services by NOT putting forth a more conservative levy in November. You did not propose a flat levy of $2.3M. You went for it. Sorry Sir, you were wrong. While the public can not issue a vote of no-confidence on your commission, the vote was as clear as you can get.

Also important is for you and your fellow commissioners to understand what you have been told. One of the four commissioners has been voted out, soundly. In November it may be a majority, both against the levy and against the two opposed appointed commissioners. The levy has failed, soundly. I would encourage you and your fellow commissioners to be conservative in your actions, for the next four months, until after the election and new commissioners are installed. Please take no significant action.  You do not have community support. The commissioners, under your leadership, have made the decisions to put at risk our department already. Do not change the department. Do not reduce service. Do not scare the public as the Chief has tried to do. Do not hire, do not promote, or more important do not spend more of the limited financial resources. Do not make the future elected commissioners deal with the problems of four appointed commissioners, especially the one that has already lost.

Chief Fuller. Commissioner Fuller. You are a fine man, that I believe means well, but the voters have spoken. Sir, I am sorry to tell you that the voters want change. Sweeping change. Will you lead that change? Thank you for your service Chief Fuller.  Commissioner Fuller.

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