My name is Jonathan Welch. For ten years, I have been the positive change at the Orcas Ferry Terminal. I announced on Valentine’s Day, my intent to run for County Council.  (CNL2.COM was generous enough to record my announcement and interview me.) It’s no longer enough. 
  • On a large scale, politics continues to be decisive. 
  • Voters are easier to manipulate if they are pitted against each other. 
  • I strive for win/win scenarios in every circumstance. 
  • The only winners in our current political construct, are the policies, politicians, and the Party which chooses them. 
  • In my small island community, this is no longer enough. The forgotten islander, who doesn’t believe in either party. Who, isn’t represented by mainlanders or local government. 
  • These are the ones that I care about most. 
  • Party politics happens far away. In Olympia.  In D.C.
  • Not in San Juan County. Party politics has abandoned the common man. It forgets about the responsibility of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” 
  • Ask Gen. Xers or Millennials about how their pursuit is going. One leg bolted to the starting line. The other, dragging precariously close to the cliff of poverty. Gen. Alpha may never own homes, ever. 
In the islands, we must collaborate. There isn’t anyone else that we can depend on. The balance between true John Muir conservation and affordable housing must be struck! 
Our community continues to reel from the carpetbaggery which occurred after the Great Recession. Otherwise, known as the wealth readjustmeant. Long term homes were repossessed, sold at auction, and folks from out of state continue to earn income on them to this day. 
No County Council since, sitting or otherwise, has made a full measure effort to create, reverse, or even bend housing regulations in response to this critical realignment. 
So, again. It’s no longer enough. The old ways, the unenthusiastic politicians have failed. 
If you aren’t turned on by stepping back four years, if you prefer fresh and enthusiastic ideas, if you want someone who will work seven days a week, collaboratively, cooperatively, with any and all interested parties. If you are ready for win/win…

I want your vote for San Juan County Council, Position 2!

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