— from Domenic Verbano —

The Earth’s Solution to Humanity’s Destruction: Unity Consciousness.

There is a solution.

And the Earth has it.

And it is so gentle and subtle and sweet, many of us have hardly noticed it…I have often asked myself: What is the Earth collectively going to DO with an out of control species like ours? Tidal Wave? Earthquakes? Freeze us? No, I think as it turns out, our Mother is such a loving and gentle and wise being, that she is merely elevating humanity’s consciousness into what I call “Unity Consciousness”, so we will be unable to hurt other things. That is Her solution.

Let me explain: “Unity Consciousness” is the collective intellectual and emotional recognition that we are all inseparably connected and, in fact, when one part of life on Earth is harmed, we are all harmed. We empathize with other life, and we have a real hard time doing harm.

Now, I know this intellectually, and to some extent experientially, but a realization moment happened for me, when I was remembering killing a nice big crab about two years ago. It looked at me with those angry, beady little eyes for a long time, before I smashed it it’s head. I still feel bad about it, but my life partner loves crab, so it had to be done. I did talk to it first and thanked it, but it still looked really pissed off, before I smashed him.

Now, what is my problem? I used to kill big crabs for sadistic pleasure as a kid, so what?I now feel bad, I feel guilty. I am having an emotional reaction, I am empathizing with other life. Whoa!!

I was talking with a farmer recently, telling him this story, and he confirmed to me that he has trouble killing animals now. Hang On. Wait a minute. What’s going on here?

So I ask you: Are you emotionally capable of killing another red blooded animal? Do you not relate to it now? Is your heart so closed that you can take its’ life? How many of us are now prepared to kill other beings like this?

We have been gentled, feminized (thank God), for we all (or almost all of us) realize that we are about shoot over the ecological cliff, to a massive die off of our species, along with much other life on this planet.

So let me ask you: What would the Earth do about this? What would be her correcting mechanism? We are, after all under her evolutionary control. She has a plan. She is connecting us to other life. She is elevating humanities consciousnesses in to empathy and unity and compassion. She is making it impossible for us to kill other life. Look around you, am I wrong??

So, what if the conscious part of Humanity embraced DO NO HARM as a way of life? Would we not save ourselves, this planet from so much harm? What if all of humanity developed such a big-hearted approach toward other living beings, that we were all emotionally unable to hurt? I can see this happening. And we can help it along.

This is something that Everyone can do.

So, let Mother Earth’s evolutionary force take over your life, let yourself be gentled. Go with the flow. It can be almost effortless.  

We Can Do This. What else have we to loose?
So get on board the Unity Consciousness train, It’s time. Love all other life. DO NO HARM. This is the evolution of humanity, and I think that She will take the ones practicing this to the next level, back to a unified paradise world.

Hey, best to you All, live in Harmony.

Oh: And if you’re worried about not being able to make money, if you aren’t able to kill anything anymore: For a short-term solution try day-trading on the Stock Market. I’m serious. It is relatively harmless, compared to other methods of doing harm. Try investing in clean energy. And: (This is how people who actually make enough money to live on in this increasingly criminal economic system acquire it.) So, day trade with clean energy stocks. Perhaps someone can teach a class?? Hey, thanks ahead of time.