As many know, Councilperson Cindy Wolf has leveled multiple accusations against me. She has done so in a very public way. There is no truth to any of the accusations, so there is no evidence to support any of what she has accused me of. I believe that I could successfully sue and win.

However, I will not sue Cindy Wolf for making false statements. I will not sue the County Council for failing to follow its own County regulations or allowing itself to be used to harass and bully a volunteer. Hopefully, they will not take this as an invitation to resume the bad behavior.

I do appreciate that the County Council canceled the hearing when it realized there was no evidence to support any of the accusations. I hope that the County will never allow this to happen to anyone again.

I especially appreciate the large number of people who have chosen to speak up against the unfounded and unsubstantiated bullying that Councilperson Wolf engaged in. I especially appreciate the many who wrote letters, made phone calls, and made a stand on principle. That so many chose to defend not only the principle of fairness but to speak out in support of my character is humbling and gives me a great appreciation of this community. Thank you.

I do not know the reason for the assault. I can only go by what was publicly said. But, since none of the accusations are true, there must be other reasons. I can only guess as to what those might be. One way of looking at it is to see what would be accomplished by removing me from the Planning Commission and harming my reputation.


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