I first met Cindy at a community meeting that I helped to facilitate in the wake of the 2016 presidential election. A notable pattern quickly emerged – while there was a palpable feeling of disbelief among all 100+ citizens present, the women seemed largely in shock, and silent. It was therefore notable when Cindy rose to speak, matching eloquence with ardor as she shared her observations on what had just happened, and what we needed to do about it. Although unknown to me at the time, this community meeting would go on to spur the creation of the Orcas Women’s Coalition (OWC), and I have had the honor of working alongside Cindy as a founding member for four years now.

During these past years, I have been impressed by so many of Cindy’s leadership qualities: this capacity to speak out in difficult circumstances; a tireless commitment to community; her ability to balance family, work and activism; the willingness to do the unglamourous behind-the-scenes work that enables real change to happen; her understanding that working toward equity means sharing power. All of these qualities make Cindy an exceptionally qualified candidate.

Among her many strengths, however, the trait that sets Cindy apart, especially in the perilous moment in which we find ourselves, is her insight. Time and time again, I have witnessed Cindy showing up informed, listening with deep perceptiveness, and cross-referencing countless variables to arrive at the very distillation and crux of the issue at hand. Her ability to maintain an open mind while remaining profoundly practical has been invaluable for OWC; at a moment when so much hangs in the balance, we need Cindy’s strengths on our County Council.

I am proud to endorse Cindy Wolf, and urge my fellow islanders to join me in voting for the change we need in county government.