What?! We as an island community are losing Dr. Evan Buxbaum?  He is  the only physician on the island specializing in the health care of children.

Are we losing him because of the failure of Insurance, both Corporate and Governmental?

Apparently, we cannot look to either of these to improve things.  Nor can we look to organized charities.

Change begins with taking charge of our own health care at a community level.  Someone like Dr. Buxbaum, with skills, knowledge and generosity of life’s work service to community, is a valuable resource.  It would be a shame for our island community  to lose him.

Please, we need the help of you folks out there who are stewarding the larger share of financial resources of our  country.  Please, help figure out a way we can maintain Dr. Buxbaum here on Orcas Island.  This would greatly benefit the children of our island.

In a short time he has made a profound impact on our community and the health of many of our children.

Please!  Now is the time for a new model.  A model where the successful Capitalists support and provide for the best interests of the Community.

Respectfully submitted,

Rivkah Sweedler        
Orcas Island