Toni Knudson is a dear friend of mine. She’s as loyal and hard working as they come. Like a true Orcasonian, she’s there to lend a hand when you’re in need. She’s full of passion and love, especially when it comes to the things she cares about. Nothing tops that list more than this small rock in the middle of the Salish and the people that call it home. These are just some of the qualities that make Toni an excellent choice as a Fire Commissioner on Orcas.

As many of you know, Toni and Mark Sawyer are the owners of Buck Bay Shellfish. Buck Bay is a highly successful business that employs over 40 people on the island and manages a six-month budget that exceeds the yearly budget of the Fire Department. She has a degree in Accounting from Shoreline Community College. Her management and vision have led to the rising success of her business.

Prior to running her own business, Toni was a building inspector for San Juan County. During her time there, she often managed over 60 projects at any one time and conducted numerous building inspections to ensure that building projects were adhering to County codes.

We have all witnessed or at least heard of the turmoil that has ravaged the Fire Department over the last few years. It has led to a Fire Commission composed of four appointed Commissioners and only one that was elected.

The Fire Chief has resigned. The Finance Manager has resigned. Many talented and skilled employees and volunteers have also resigned. Thankfully we still have exceptional firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs serving on our behalf, but this certainly cannot be the definition of an organization firing on all cylinders. We can do better.

If elected, I believe Toni will work to reengage with the staff, volunteers, and residents of Orcas Island to ensure that we are listened to, heard and respected. She’ll also ensure that the Commission becomes more transparent with the community. Doing these two simple things is the first step to reestablishing our trust in the Commission.

She’s on record for opposing this levy, as it was created and put before us with little to no public input by a Commission composed almost entirely of unelected officials. If passed, the levy will almost double your fire taxes — an 82% increase. Forever. This is not the way levies should work, and it will hit those on fixed incomes, blue collar workers and their families, and renters, the hardest. It will certainly make it more difficult for many of our friends and neighbors to remain on the Island when they already have so much working against them to remain here.

I know you all love this community as much as I do. While I hope that you’ll vote for Toni, it’s okay if we don’t see it the same way. We are in a fortunate position to have choices in this very important race. I just ask that you vote for the candidate that you believe can lead our Fire Commission to a healthy and thriving future.

To learn more about Toni, visit Toni For Change and vote by August 1st!


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