On December 22, Toby Cooper of the Islands’ Sounder wrote of the December BOFC meeting:

Chief Holly VanSchaick included in her report the announcement that three full-time employees — Finance Manager Audra McLain, Volunteer Coordinator Jim “Mac” McCorison, and veteran Safety Officer/Firefighter/EMT Bob Nutt — were resigning effective immediately. All three resignation letters cited personal differences with new Commissioner Randy Gaylord.

There are two very concerning items that I want to unpack from this statement that was published by Toby Cooper of the Islands’ Sounder.

Number one: All three resignations have the air of “forced” or “coerced resignations” instigated and completed by Commissioner Randy Gaylord as evidenced by the fact that ‘all three resignation letters cited personal differences.’ As you can imagine, this was most likely a terribly difficult decisions for those who resigned but their employment had changed so much since the onboarding of Commissioner Gaylord that they were quick to re-evaluate their current employment.

Number two: To add insult to injury, one of those who was coerced out of their position was former Finance Manager Audra McClain who had just started with the department in May 2023 and was masterful with the budget. It was saddening for me to hear this since Audra had committed so much time and effort to working with any interested party to get the right outcome. In the wake of her departure, the department is effectively without a finance manager. The board is now free to tell the public half-truths and there no longer any voice of authority with respect to the realities of the current budget. Get ready for the lies from politicians because they can truly make up anything at this point- there are no financial fact checkers.

Here are my two takeaways from this news:

  • Stay clear of the Orcas Island Fire Department because there is a Commissioner who is implementing “coercive resignations”
    With the resignation of Audra McClain, Former Finance Manager of the OIFR – the department is flying blind financially. Not the best look when you’re out of money and you need a levy.
  • So, unless you want a certain Fire Commissioner stalking you and being “coercive” with you, stay away from the Fire Department. I hope that the Board of Fire Commissioners can clean up their act and start fixing the existing issues at the department while not creating new ones. Tall order.


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