— from Karen D. Ritter —

On Saturday January 31st we had the privilege of attending the Mariachi Huenachi of Wenatchee concert at the Orcas Center. This was a magnificent performance of 34 high school students who have invested  hundreds of hours of their time in rehearsals for concerts that are presented at select places that include home games of the Seattle Seahawks, Seattle Mariners, on the networks ABC and Fox along with a gala performance at the Orcas Center.

This dedicated group has been at many other communities within Washington.

This premier Mariachi team is composed of students playing 15 violins, 3 trumpets, 2 guitarons, 4 guitars, 4 vihuelas along with 7 excellent dancers. Their dedicated director is Mr. Roman Rivera who has worked to ensure they all people of this group are excellent academic scholars, superior musicians and sensational singers.

Their stage presence and composure verifies their discipline and training. Each student has a clear goal of where he or she will attend college and how they will contribute to the vitality of their community and to our nation.  Each member of this team has memorized the music and lyrics of over 50 tunes, which means that they do not depend on printed music for their performance.

Thank you to Camp Orkila for providing lodging and meals for this group of students. They consider Orcas Island their favorite destination.  Thanks to Island Market for the dessert reception.

Orcas Island is honored that this superior group of musicians and dancers want to perform on our island each

year.  It is important that attendance at this event improve.  There were many empty seats at the theatre.

Those of you who did not attend missed one of the grand events at the Orcas Center. The pleasure of enjoying

this “professional” performance is beyond measure.   The cost is only $10 per person.   Please plan on

attending this event when they return in 2016.

You support next year is essential.  This group of talented students is an inspiration with a positive message

about the future of our society and our nation.

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